History of Eboli



The city of Eboli is located in a happy context in which they have always intertwined a number of factors that have encouraged human settlement. Natural link between the coast and inland areas and between the north and the south, extends from the plain to the hills beyond; with 'view' of the sea, it was well away from the rapid incursions and raids which were applied to the coastal towns; related artery Sele ', it is not subject to his whims and volatility of environmental factors, which were however fatal to Paestum. The climate is constantly mild, gentle hills rich in history, the flaps of unspoilt and picturesque waterways, a land rich and fertile, which produce high-quality food (mozzarella, artichokes, strawberries, etc.). I They have always been a place of attraction for the surrounding population. This location halfway between the coast and the interior, put it more naturally connected with the liveliness of the coastal towns, receptors of great cultural and political streams, with the serene and industriousness of the inland areas, more socially stable and This custodians of cultures and values ​​consolidatisi over the centuries. The rich archaeological documentation, which, as before, will be permanently exhibited in the National Museum of the Sele Valley, located in the monumental complex of San Francesco in eboli, gives an account of this assumption. The first scientific research, undertaken in 800 just by two eminent ebolitani, Matta and Romano, already confirmed and STATED some vague assumptions about the presence of legendary people in our territory. The investigation developed in this century, especially in the last three decades, especially stimulated by occasional recoveries following the construction works in the areas joined the historical core, enabled us to identify a clearer picture.

Eboli is an important center of the southern Campania.
The city, in the province of Salerno, covering approximately 138 square kilometers and with a population of about 34,000 inhabitants, is located at 145 meters above sea level. It is located in a beautiful, territorial, set at the foot of the Picentini, with the coast, washed by the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and inland in the Piana del Sele. And 'characterized by two areas: the first, mostly flat, has encouraged the development of the new town which has spread to most of the territory up to the Tyrrhenian coast. In the second, on a hill, stands the old town, where are the places of interest, consists of a medieval center full of art treasures, monuments and churches, among which the Colonna Castle and the church of San Pietro alli Marmi , Norman basilica attached to the convent of the Capuchins. The perennially mild climate, the gentle hills rich in history, beautiful nature and picturesque streams, as well as a rich and fertile plain in which we produce fine food (buffalo mozzarella, artichokes, strawberries, etc.), they It had always been a place of attraction for the neighboring population. For its particular geographic location, access to Eboli is favored by the presence of the motorway exit on the A3 Eboli (SA-RC), the railway station and the SS. 19 which crosses it throughout its length. In addition, it can be easily reached other areas of interest such as the Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Paestum, etc. The name of the city is linked to a famous work of Italian literature, the novel Christ Stopped at Eboli by Carlo Levi, famous throughout the world.

​The dawn of history
Sporadic discoveries in the territory are to testify human presence in archaic periods largely pre-3000 BC The first documented human presence in the area dates back to the Copper Age or Chalcolithic (or Copper Age), evidenced by the discovery of collective graves of so-called civilization of Gavdos (2500-1800 BC) in the Madonna della Catena, near the present cemetery. Traces of a permanent settlement date back to 1200 BC approximately, with the occupation of the hill now called St. Joseph or Montedoro, where excavations have revealed fragments of pottery that document the existence of relations with the world greek, probably through the river port at the mouth of the Sele. The cultural similarities found with populations Aegean-Anatolian, made them think of a landing in our areas. It is historically proven fact that towards the end of the eighth century BC Greeks stood firmly on the coasts of Campania, and therefore in the area. They were merchants in search of new markets and farmers eager to reach fertile lands. Even the political struggles in Greece contributed to the exodus of Greek populations, asylum seekers, to the peninsula. In the new territory they found peaceful populations located there in ancient times, which did not object to the newcomers, but rather merged with them. Which were, in reality, these indigenous peoples is difficult to establish. Probably it was the people belonging to the substrate Mediterranean, indicated by historians, from time to time, in a manner contradicting, now in Pelasgi, now or in Osci Opici, in Eburini, or Picentini. The foundation of Eboli, therefore can be traced back to these primitive peoples. As proof of this were found inscriptions character Osci Montedoro on the hill, but it is also true that in many testimonies of Greek tombs below those of pre-Roman times. In fact, although some historians propendano for an Etruscan origin of the city, the predominantly greek tombs discovered in the territory is rather think that they were right to build it. As well as discreet shopping center, the old Eburi was also a fort, designed to protect the borders of Ancient Greece Etruscan by the advance towards the south of the peninsula. Almost simultaneously to the Greeks, the Etruscans, in their advance towards the south of Italy, settled in the peninsula jutting out into the sea between the Gulf of Naples and Salerno. Slowly they extended their conquest of other lands, and came at the right bank of the river Sele. During their advance in the Plain they have also given its name to the river Tusciano. During the seventh century BC the whole region between the Vesuvius and the Sele was under the Etruscan rule, while extending south of the Sele remained under the rule greek. The presence of the Etruscans in our plain, now called Eboli or Pesto, lasted for four centuries, creating an intense life of trade, it was favored by the outlet to the sea. It was in this plain that, with the exchange of trade, met the two civilizations. The richness of the Piana del Sele and his fertility soon attracted the attention of the people who lived in the hinterland: the Lucanians. Pastors for election, the Lucani soon felt the need to own the lowland pastures to feed their flocks during the winter months. At the beginning of the fourth century BC They came down from the mountains. The bulwark that the Greeks had allegedly made to Ebora had not withstand shock and Lucani, despite the resistance of the Greeks, they were able to settle in the plain of Sele. Presumably the city kept its character of the mall and fort, expanding with its new inhabitants. However, the rule of the Lucani will be relatively short as the unstoppable advance of Rome will turn soon towards Campania and end up making a Roman town of Eboli.

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