Dreaw presentation

“3rd World Deaf Football Championship 2016”

Dreaw presentation

5th April plan:

lorenzo insigne

Note: it is expected the presence of the player Lorenzo Insigne.

Special thanks to Lorenzo Insigne who agreed to speak to draw showing operations to share and appreciate our initiative to promote social integration and sport of the deaf. We thank the Company Calcio Napoli for the willingness shown.

A particular appreciation to Mr Antonio Santimone, chief of the town of Eboli, who strongly believed in our initiative and through its commitment has contributed to the success of the same permitting, with the great help of Emanuele Belardi, a player's presence.

The event will take place in the Assembly room of the City of Eboli (Salerno)
address Viale Giovanni Ammendola, 81 - Eboli (Salerno) - Italy

For information plase, contact:
Carmine De Caro - e-mail decaro@fssi.it - Tel. +39 349 094 5076 (text only)
Massimiliano Bucca - e-mail bucca@fssi.it - Tel. +39 393 992 3035
Antonio Santimone - e-mail antonio_santimone@fastwebnet.it – Tel. +39 373 511 6317

Referees Meeting

referees meeting 1

The referees meeting will take place on 19 June 2016 at Hotel Ariston in Capaccio (Salerno) at 12:00 a.m.

Technical Meeting

tecnical meeting 1 tecnical meeting 2

The technical meeting will take place on 19 June 2016 at Hotel Ariston in Capaccio (Salerno) at 10:30 a.m. Each participating National Association may be represented by two officials (at least one deaf and, if necessary, one interpreter), 2nd Technical Meeting 28 June 2016 at Hotel Ariston in Capaccio (Salerno) at 10:30 a.m.

Office OC - ICSD

Hotel Ariton Via Laura – Capaccio (Salerno) – Italy to 19 June – 02 July 2016

room medusa room cassandra
1 – office ICSD (room “Medusa”) 2 – office OC (room “Cassandra”)

Via Laura – Capaccio (Salerno) Italy to 19 June – 02 July 2016

3 – office OC (Village Oasis)

Make the logo of 3rd World Deaf Football Championship 2016

We are glad to communicate that on 27th Jenuary2016, during a meeting in Rome, at the Italian Deaf Sport Federation seat, the Commission of the contest “make the logo of the 3rd World Deaf Football Championship 2016” chose the winner.

The winner are:

1st Lamin Barra Ass. For Seo Centro Diaconale “La Noce Ist Valdese” Palermo
2nd Antonio Fronza T.G.C. “M. Lentini” Mottola (Taranto)
3rd Alessio De Pascale I.I.S. “Falcone – Righi” Corsico (Milano)

 1st Barra Lamin 2nd place   3rd place


day trip

Vehicle rent


Deafsummerfestival 2016




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